About me

​​​I am living proof of the difference this kind of work can have, and have also witnessed many clients thrive following treatments. I continue to be blown away by the ways that sound and yoga can move people on every level, physical, mental, spiritual and emotional.
I love nothing more than being able to help people to see themselves more clearly through their relationship with sound and movement, reminding themselves of their resilience and ability to draw on the tools they need to help them through life’s ups and downs.
My path to becoming a sound therapist began over 10 years ago when, after many years of working long hours as a commercial lawyer in London, countless hours spent commuting, as well as months of overseas travel, things were beginning to take their toll; my mind was constantly whirring. I felt permanently jetlagged, exhausted and stressed, with no idea if I was coming or going; I felt like I was not really living, just existing.
Discovering yoga – and the right teacher - first helped me to develop a greater sense of self-awareness and connection, better able to make more rational decisions about my life and a lot calmer as a result. The same teacher also introduced me to gong baths. During my first session, tucked up and cosy under a blanket, I felt completely immersed in the wonderful, powerful sound of the gongs as they were gently played around me. I felt totally relaxed but, at the same time, lifted, energised and completely blissful. It was a life-changing moment and I found myself wanting to learn more about how to recreate that experience for others.
My story
I'm Tess, a qualified Sound Therapist and Yoga Teacher, based near Boscastle in North Cornwall.
My 'why'

Me in a nutshell
​​These days I describe myself as a singing, Labrador-loving, scuba diving, paddleboarding, yoga teaching, sound therapist , author and mermaid (oh, and part-time lawyer!).
So now I’m doing what I love, living with the one I love, in a place I love and getting daily Vitamin sea! And this all started with yoga and a gong!
"Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again."
Nelson Mandela