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Corporate Wellbeing

Why corporate wellbeing?

With the highest rate of sickness absence in a decade*, and the continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people’s health and livelihoods, many organisations are now having to increasing their focus on the health and wellbeing of their teams and developing strategies to provide their people with access to the services they need to help their mental and physical health. In addition, with the rapidly evolving advancements in technology, individuals are exposed to more and more screen time, both on their laptops, phones and other devices and can often feel that they are always ”switched on”, with limited downtime, or suffering from burn out due to exhaustion from over exposure to gadgets. There is a wealth of wellbeing services now on offer but many of these are online or available via a mobile app, which means yet more screen time. It is important to try and ensure a greater sense of balance between necessary screen time and quality time out.

Group corporate soundbaths

It is so rare that people allow themselves the opportunity to sit in stillness and to do nothing. This is the beauty of a group soundbath, as participants do not need to do anything other than close their eyes and rest under a blanket on a yoga mat (or on a chair or sofa) as they listen to the sounds of instruments being played around them, such as gongs, crystal singing bowls, Himalayan singing bowls, crystal singing bowls and drums. The instruments and techniques used are designed to encourage the parasympathetic nervous system to activate(the nervous state known as “rest and digest”) which helps to lower blood pressure, and to slow down the heart rate and breathing rate. The concept of “soundbath” is that participants are bathed in the sounds and vibrations that surround them to help them to experience a deeply relaxed state. No experience is needed.

Benefits of a soundbath

As well as helping participants to take a pause and to relax, a soundbath can help the following: •stress management •clarity of thought •improved mood •decreased anxiety This can help employees to feel happier and more fulfilled both in the workplace and at home. From an employer’s perspective, this has the potential for your team(s): •to be better in touch with their physical body, mind and emotions •to be able to identify stressors, and to provide them with the tools they have within themselves to help, or to know when they need to seek help from you •to experience reduced burn out •to experience improved mental health •improved communication and relationships between colleagues •to be able to set clear boundaries within the workplace and improved time management Isn’t this all a bit wacky and “alternative”? Although the introduction of mainstream soundbaths is relatively recent, sound healing is not a new concept; sound has been used for thousands of years as a means to help people to be able to relax and to find a sense of stillness and calm. Meditation is commonly used by people to help them to stop for a moment and allow their thoughts to calm down. People often find it difficult to meditate however as they say that they cannot still their mind; their thoughts are constantly darting from one thought to the next about what they need to be doing, where they need to be going, what happened yesterday and what they need to do for tomorrow. A soundbath is a great way to introduce people to meditation as hearing the sounds of the instruments, as well as feeling the physical sensation of the vibrations caused by the sounds of the instruments around them, are powerful tools to be able to help distract people from their normal thoughts. When people are in this state of meditation, the brain has a chance to better organise itself, and not to tie itself up in knots attaching emotions to all the thoughts whirring around their heads. There is growing scientific research to demonstrate the ability that sound has to be able to help people to heal. Below are some articles which you may find useful: -Sound Therapy Research: -Effects of Singing Bowl Sound Meditation on Mood, Tension, and Well-being: An Observational Study - -The Healing Power of Sound as Meditation: -Think you’ve heard it all? New Research Into ‘The Science Of Sound’ Proves Otherwise: -Sound Healing Works: The Science Behind the Practice: My experience I have been in the corporate world for over 24 years, working as a lawyer in private practice, as well as in-house for a variety of global organisations, and have had responsibility for managing teams, including overseeing international teams from a distance. As a result of my experience, I know the importance not only of looking after my own physical and mental wellbeing, but also of supporting the wellbeing of employees so that they feel welcomed, appreciated, challenged (but at the same time not overwhelmed), able to thrive in their roles and able to bring the best version of themselves to the workplace. Through my own regular yoga and sound therapy practice, I have found the tools I need to be able to work smarter. I am living proof that this works. Even under extreme pressure, I am able to think more clearly, and better able to make more rational decisions without feeling stressed or anxious. As a result I have much better relationships with clients, as well as with my family and friends. My only wish is that I had discovered this much sooner. As well as managing teams, I was a Mental Health First aider during my time working for WTW, and an integral part of the Mental Health committee within WTW’s UK Inclusion and Diversity network, providing group wellbeing sessions, and writing regular content for employees to access via the WTW intranet. I currently provide wellbeing sessions and content for the team at Bexley Beaumont, where I am engaged as a Partner. I have also been involved in many different mentoring schemes, acting as mentor and guide for young people including The Switch, BPP, Lexis Meteorite, Gillian Baylls Sixth Form College and Parentgym. I am passionate about helping people to embrace life and am always encouraging people to be kind to themselves. Locations Group soundbaths can be provided at your workplace (subject to space) or at your chosen venue. I encourage participants to make their own cosy cocoon snuggled up under a blanket and laying (or sitting), with their eyes closed (or with an eye pillow) to create their own nook within the space; this is so that they feel as comfortable as possible and do not feel self-conscious in any way in front of their colleagues. Each person’s experience with sound is different and so it is key for me to ensure that they do not feel distracted, judged or in competition with their colleagues during the session. Pricing The pricing for each session will be discussed with you but will normally be based on a combination of: number of participants, duration of session and your specific requirements/needs, as well as travel costs. For locations outside of Cornwall, accommodation costs may also need to be factored in. Regular soundbaths can have a profound effect on individuals as the cumulative effect of being in a deeply meditative state over a number of sessions can help them to feel a greater feeling of calm, and provide them with the tools they need to be able to find a sense of balance in their personal and professional lives. Preferential rates are available for organisations booking regular sessions for their teams. Pre-requisites Most people can attend a soundbath but there are some contraindications that may mean that they should not attend, for example, anyone in the first trimester of pregnancy, anyone who experiences seizures or other conditions triggered by sound, and anyone with a serious mental health condition (such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder). All participants will be required to complete a health form in advance of the session. This is a requirement of my insurance and also enables me to be aware of any conditions that may require support (either before, during or after the session).

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Lucy & Yak:

“You made us feel super comfortable (some so much that they went to dreamland! Zzz! :) ) and you were so personable, we all felt so safe in your presence. We really really enjoyed the session!” 

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